Of cheer and tacos

Of cheer and tacos

In my line of work it is not rare to receive puzzling messages from a wide variety of people. But this one took the cake. 

“We’re very glad to have you come out to Tuesday Club!,” it said, adding that I should get in touch if I had any questions. 

Uh, yeah. Who are you and what are you talking about?

Cameron MacIntosh and his partner Shaarika Sarasija (wearing the red sweater in the picture above) run a non-profit that brings a small group of people to local Ottawa businesses on Tuesdays, when it’s usually very quiet, to give them a little boost. To the businesses, not the people, although the people get a fine jolt of cheer and happiness, too. 

It turns out the reason Cameron thought I was coming was that another Brigitte Pellerin who lives in Ottawa had RSVPed to a particular Tuesday date and — seeing as we already were connected via Facebook because we have friends in common — he got in touch to welcome me. 

I know, right? What are the odds of two Brigitte Pellerins living in the same town? I can’t wait to meet her. 

Anyhoo. I was intrigued so last night I went to La Fiesta Latina on Somerset for happy tacos, happy beer and happy new friends. 

The reason I like the idea of this club, other than “it’s a great excuse to go out on Tuesday,” is that it helps bring back a little bit of hope to a part of the city that, on top of the pandemic, had to deal with weeks of occupation and the disappearance of office workers who no longer need to be downtown nearly as much. 

Oh, and it’s fun, too. 

I will keep going whenever I can. I’m sure it’d be fun if some of you joined, too. But more than joining this particular group, I’d be especially pleased if similar groups popped up in various areas of the city and region. 

We can all use a little bit more hope, community and laughter. Beer and tacos never hurt either.